Wednesday, November 08, 2006

10 Months!

I'm in double digits! Mom can't believe how fast I am growing up.
My Herzog grandparents sent me this outfit just a few days ago and it's a good thing cause I was running out of basketball outfits for my pictures!

Sorry I don't have any stats (weight/height) for you this month. I don't have to go back to the clinic until I am 1. But I do have a lot of new tricks. I am walking around holding onto furniture around the house and I can stand for a couple seconds all by myself. I can even hold on to the wall and stand up that way too and yesterday I took one step and grabbed the chair before I fell.
I make all kinds of sounds like ma-ma-ma, da-da-da, ba-ba, etc.
I love to play in the hallway and in my room. Sometimes when I'm in my room mom will call out, "Where's my baby?" and I come crawling out of there real fast and stick my head out of the doorway and giggle at her. Then we wave to each other and I go back to play. I have this cupboard thing that I love to open and close. I also think it's very fun to play in my crib. I squeal and drop all of my babies (stuffed animals) out and mom picks them up for me.

I still love to eat and I get very sad when the bowl is empty. As soon as I hear mom say "all gone" I start to cry. It's also not fun to get my face wiped off after eating. I wave both of my hands really fast and yell but it doesn't seem to help.

I'm still sleeping 11-12 hours at night and I love bedtime! Mom and dad are trying to change my bedtime to 7:00pm instead of 6:00pm but I get so tired in the evenings. They always take me on walks before it's bathtime and I love to be outside so I don't mind. I take 3 naps a day, usually just an hour each. Mom can always tell when I'm getting sleepy. We read a couple books before she puts me down. My favorite books now are "Picture Me" books. One is called Cute As Can Bee and the other is In the Circus. I have my picture in these books and I am dressed up as a different animal on each page along with other babies in costumes. It's so fun to read and I can even help turn the pages!

I like to listen to music and I love to dance!

I still won't take a bottle but I'm learning to drink water from a cup. Mostly I blow bubbles but occasionally I get a gulp full down my belly!
I am a very happy little boy and my personality is really starting to shine through.


sal said...

hi jonah, so you called me to tell me you had your new pictures up! :)

Wyatt said...

Jonah isn't it fun to be able to exlpore in and on all of those things you have been staring at for months?

You are a cuuuuutiee! I used to get upset too when my mom would say, "all gone."m She just started to give me more. Now she wishes she could get anything down me. I tend to not eat dinner very often, which worries her, but when she picks up all 35lbs. of me she feels a lot better, well not really because I am heavy. :-)

mike said...

Hi Jonah,
You don't know me, and neither does your dad, but about 10 years ago your mother knew me as her youth pastor. She called me Mike. I have a son close to your age. You guys would have fun playing together.

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