Saturday, November 25, 2006


Happy Turkey Day!

Gobble-Gobble! My first Thanksgiving was pretty fun. I wasn't compared to a turkey...although I'm sure I'm much bigger! I didn't stuff my face with pumpkin pie...although mom and dad did get me some pumpkin pie baby food (we forgot to try it though, oops!) But in the past week I went to two Thanksgiving feasts! (That makes 3 for me including the Canadian one!) First we went to our friend's house just up the road a couple villages. I got to play with a plastic bowl and spoon while everyone else ate, but I was very happy the whole time. Then this Thursday we went to the Hubbard's where my parents have gone for the past 4 years. There were over 30 people there so I got passed around quite a bit. I was also out way past my bedtime and I wasn't really happy towards the end of the evening so I made mom and dad take me home before dessert! I'm guessing they didn't go home hungry though, Mari Hubbard is the best cook in Hong Kong and I'm pretty sure they both got seconds!
I didn't get to eat any of the real food but I did get my "Grandma's Turkey Dinner" baby food and it was yummy.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that it was Thanksgiving? It looks so warm there. Can you keep it warm for when we come over. I'm a little tired of the cold rain and I wasn't even that much of a fan of the mushy snow that we got today either.
Jonah, you are looking so grown up with all of the new hair. Keep up the good work. It's probably best if you don't start walking though while your Dad is in Cambodia.
Love you, G'ma and G'daddy

Anonymous said...

You look so beautiful and I miss you so much. I see lots of babies here and they remind me of you all the time. I can't wait to come home to you and give you lots of kisses.