Sunday, November 05, 2006

How BIG is Jonah?

Yep, that's right. I'm a big boy! My Gramma Jani taught me this great new trick one day when I was watching her on the webcam. She was actually telling me a story about when my mom was a baby. She would ask, "How big is Susie?" and my mom would throw her hands up over her head. I thought to myself, how hard could that be and I did it! She and mom both laughed and I was real pleased with myself. Sometimes I just raise one arm and that is pretty cool too.


sal said...

o your trick! i'm still waiting to see it LIVE! :) i think next time i'll try when you are less sleepy. i had so many pictures of you from basketball saturday and i was so excited to show kaiser and then i realized i left my camera at the gohs. :( so no jonah pics until i get that back. have a good one. keep dunking!

Wyatt said...

:-) Cutie!