Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fair Fun!

Every year Papa takes us to the fair and I love it! Good rides, good food, good fun!

My favorite thing this year was the jumping thingamabob. I was so brave, doing 3 backward flips!

Nothing like fair food: ice cream and a corn dog! Does it get better than that?

I was pretty tired by the time we got to the barn but I was fascinated by a cow peeing and I got some chocolate milk from one of the brown cows!
What a fun day, thanks Papa!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

School activities

Last week we had a picture day at my school. Mom said I could choose between a polo shirt and a shirt/tie. I went with the tie because I wanted to dress just like Dad! Here I am posing before going to school.

We also had a "cowboy" day at school because we learned all about the letter "C". I dressed up in my most cowboyish clothes and I even rode in on a horse!

When I get home from school I love to hold our new baby Micah! I miss him when I'm not home.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Back yard camping!

So dad thought we would kick off our Labor day weekend with a little back yard camping! Ezekiel and I have been begging to go but mom wasn't so thrilled about the idea. But she gave us boys the go ahead while she stayed in with Micah.
Everything started off great! First we actually found the tent which was a small miracle since I'm not sure it has ever been used...we even found our air mattress, again never been used. Then we helped dad set it up. Well, we tried to hold it up at least while dad drove in the stakes. You can ask him how well we did... Then it started raining! Note that it hasn't rained here in ages! What were the chances?
Then we got in and played and played! Mom didn't even make us take a shower tonight (but she said we had to in the morning).
Dad played Go Fish with us, read us books and told us tales. And mom even brought us some popcorn and goldfish to snack on.
We lasted until about 9:00pm, then mom heard Ezekiel crying even though she was inside the house and he wanted to go in. So I followed suit. Maybe we can try again sometime! Or maybe tents are better just to be played in during the day!