Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mommy and Me

Here are some cute pictures of Mommy and Me. My favorite thing to do now is pull her ears and kiss her all over her face! I'm just getting her back from all the kisses she gives me....only she thinks mine are a little wetter. Sometimes I even try to kiss dad but he's a little prickly.

It has been raining a lot here so we've been stuck inside. We did venture out once and got caught in the rain. Mom had me pouched in the baby bjorn but forgot the umbrella so we had to run back home as fast as we could. I thought that was pretty funny. We often get scolded by the Chinese grandmas here in our village. They don't think mom dresses me warm enough. For some reason they think I should be bundled up. Did I mention it's like 80 degrees with 100% humidity?? They also love to touch my hair. I guess blond isn't so common around here. One little old man even tried to touch my head while I was sleeping on the bus. Luckily mom kept turning so he couldn't.

Speaking of hair, mine's growing a little bit, mostly on top. Mom likes to brush it over to the side so I look like a handsome little boy.
I love to eat my hands too. It doesn't matter which finger I suck, they're all good! Sometimes I manage to get my thumb in the right way but it usually pops out and I have to put a different finger in. I also enjoy eating mom or dad's hands too. Basically anything that gets within range of my mouth is in danger of some serious slobber.

I'm rolling over like crazy now. Sometimes mom will put a toy just out of my reach and watch me go get it. I usually roll once and then inch my way over. Unfortunately sometimes I grab it and throw it even further away and then yell cause it's so frustrating. Dad has finally seen me roll now too. He says I'm such a big boy.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Visiting Mom's school...

Here I am at school! Now I know that in Chinese culture the kids start school early but this is ridiculous! Actually mom said we were just visiting. Her class was performing chapel so we decided to go watch. They did such a good job, I had fun listening to them sing.
After the show I made my rounds visiting all of mom's friends. All of the kids wanted to touch me but mom only let them touch my feet. Doesn't she know I'm ticklish!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Little man on the move...

I've graduated from wiggling to scooting now. I trick mom by showing up the opposite way she puts me in my crib. When she comes to get me my legs are where my head used to be! Then for one naptime I really threw her for a loop. She came to check on me after an hour and saw me wiggling...well not long after that I usually let out a yell to tell her to come get me. She thought she had a few minutes so she went to hang the laundry. When she was done she still didn't hear me so she had to go check again and whoops, she couldn't find me! I had scooted from the middle of the bed, past a blockade of pillows all the way to the curtains where I was happily eating them. Too bad for me cause I think that was the last time I will get to sleep on her bed!

It's just me and mom this week, dad took a trip with his class to Vietnam. Before he left we played the flying game which I really like. He also left me a sweet message on the stuffed ape. Mom said he just recorded his voice. I'm not so sure... maybe dad is an ape now?!
I love to put everything in my mouth these days.
I still like to play under my playgym and I'm strong enough now to pull the toys down when I want them. However, the bouncy chair is a different story....
You see, the toys seem to be attached really well. I try to hard to get them to my mouth but they just don't reach. Don't worry, I yell at them at the top of my lungs. Funny it doesn't seem to make a difference but it sure does make mom laugh. When I see her laughing I forget all my worries and start laughing too.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lil' Shark

Wow! What a BIG bathtub! It has been so hot here that we decided to cool off in a giant bathtub. I got to wear my new "shark" swim trunks and everything (thanks Aunt Linda, Uncle Joe, Caitlin, Colin and Haley). I wasn't sure what to think at first but as long as the water didn't go past my belly I was okay. I mainly liked to splash my feet! I overheard my parents say they were going to get me a pool next year to put on our rooftop so I can go swimming everyday! Boy, will that be fun!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

4 Months!

Yep, I'm a big boy now. 4 months and still growing like a weed. My new favorite toys are my feet! I scoot myself way down in my bouncy chair and play with the toys using my feet. It's a whole new world for me. However, they can't quite make it to my mouth yet....something big and round sits in between...don't tell but I think it's my tummy! I have also been working very hard on lifting my head and keeping it steady. I've rolled over a few times but I still need some practice at that game. I'm good at rolling from my tummy to my back but the other way is a little hard. I'm too big for my baby bathtub so I get to take a real bath in the big tub...with mom or dad of course. I like to look back at who's holding me and then I get my neck scrubbed out real good. You may not have noticed but most of the time you can't see my neck...I've got a few chins covering it up pretty well. I love to splash but I do not like my face being washed. Right after my bath I usually get really sleepy and it doesn't take me long to fall asleep.
Okay, so I went in for another check up and wouldn't you know it, they stuck my leg with that darn shot again! Of course I cried for a few seconds and mom hugged me real tight and sang sweet songs to me and then I was all better. My parents squirted some orange medicine into my mouth when we got home, but I quickly tried to spit that stuff out. Oh yeah, so I weighed in at only 18.5 lbs and I am 27 inches long now. I am definitely slowing down in the weight department. My mom thought for sure I was over 20 lbs ...oh well, maybe next month! Here are a few more pictures from our photo shoot. I kept tipping over! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Traveling in Hong Kong

I love exploring and seeing new things!

Taxis, Buses, Trains...Oh My!
I get to ride in green taxis, mini buses, double decker buses and trains! I like the big double deckers the best but the mini buses aren't bad either. I love bumpy rides! The only problem is red lights. I do not like stopping and I usually cry whenever we have to. Mom and dad try to keep bouncing me in their seat but they can't trick me. But as soon as we start moving again I'm all better.
I sure do keep myself busy these days. I don't let mom stay at home all day because I've decided that is too boring. I get tired of my toys and I need to see the world! So here are a few pictures of me traveling around the big city. I like my stroller now and of course I love to be carried anywhere. I'm even big enough to face out in the baby bjorn's a lot better view than daddy's chest (no offense dad!) Even if it is my naptime I rarely ever fall asleep when I'm out and about. If I do, it's usually right when my parents are getting into a taxi and they have to take me out of my stroller, or when we're almost home.... That figures!

As you may know, Asia is not known for it's "plump-ness" so it's not surprising I hear the word "fat" quite often. When I'm on the train it never fails, I hear people talking in Chinese and then all of a sudden the words "fat baby!" come out of their mouths! (It's funny how they know those English words...) I'm not offended though, I could crush them! Plus, Mama always says there's more of me to love.
Most days Mom and I walk up to a place called The Wishing Tree and look around. There is usually a tour bus up there and lots of people walking around. Maybe next time I'll have mom bring the camera and take a picture of it. There is also a little playground there and I know I will love playing on it when I'm bigger.