Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bye-bye tonsils!

Last Monday I had my tonsils and adenoids taken right out of me! Something called surgery... Mom said I snored like a freight train and I had sleep apnea so we went to see a specialist and he said my tonsils were huge! So bright and early (6:00am to be exact) we had to be at the outpatient clinic. It was great fun at first, they pampered me with stickers and a cool bracelet, I got some funky jammies with fish on them, and best of all I got to ride in a cool wagon. They also gave me some funny juice that made me real sleepy. Well, the next thing I know I'm waking up with a sore throat, crying for mom and trying to rip the IV out of my hand! The nurse said I had to drink a cup of juice before I could get it out so I downed that stuff as fast as I could! Then thank goodness I got to go home.

At home I was pretty tired so I got to lay around and watch cartoons and movies and drink lots and lots of juice. I only get juice at Sunday school so it was a real treat to be able to drink as much of it as I wanted!
I also got to eat all the ice cream I wanted too...Doctors orders! Mom and dad were real sweet to stock up on all kinds of treats and popsicles but all I wanted was chocolate and vanilla. I went through a half gallon in two days!

I've been a real trooper taking all of my yucky medicine and things have gone really smoothly. Except on day 7 after my nap I had lots of blood in my mouth...after a panic-driven phone call to my doctor it turned out to just be a scab coming loose in my throat, apparently really common after the first week. So I'm definitely on the mend! And the best news of all: no more snoring! Mom says my future wife will thank us one day!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Swim like a Whale!

I'm in the big boy swim class now! No more mom or dad in the pool with me. Mom wasn't sure I could handle this and was hoping I didn't just dive in without the teacher (which, for the record, I only did once). I love to put my head in the water and bob up and down. My only hesitation is the diving board. A funny thing that is...I always beg my teacher to let us jump off but when I get right up to it I freak out and put on the brakes! This is where mom comes in. She walks me down the plank and drops me in! And let me tell you, not without some screams and a few tears. But after that first jump I want to do it again and again! I like to tell mom I can swim like a whale!

School Picnic

I had a great time at Daddy's school picnic last weekend. The weather was perfect! I got to throw rocks and sticks into the water, play ball and eat lots of yummy food! I'm expecting lots of picnics this summer, they sure are fun!

Mother's Day

For Mother's day weekend we went to visit Nana and gave her some Thomas the Train toys to keep at her house so I can play with them when we go there. It was just what she's always wanted I'm sure!

We also got Mommy some Thomas toys as well as breakfast made by yours truly (with a little help from Dad) and a day out shopping with her mom!
I can't wait for Father's day, I know just what Thomas toy I want...I mean Dad wants. Mom also tried to get Ezekiel and I to pose for a picture to frame for Nana but one of us...I won't mention any names Zekey...wasn't cooperating. As for me, I know how to work the camera!

Friday, May 22, 2009

3 years, 4 months

Still growing like a weed! Highlights this month include learning to consistently say "thank you" without tons and tons of prompts from mom and dad, riding my scooter bike every time we go somewhere, my Arthur book addiction, begging daddy to build me a train track and then destroying it not long after. These are just a few of the things I've been up to lately. My computer has been down for the last month so I've got lots of catching up to do, TTFN!

Petting Zoo

This is the cool petting zoo at the Biltmore Estate. The first time we went there my favorite part of the whole thing was riding the bus from the parking lot to the house. I kept saying, "This is so fun!" over and over again. I'm sure my parents were just as excited as I was. My second favorite thing to do was throw rocks. The petting zoo was closed by the time we made it there on our first visit but now we go back about once a week to check on the animals. On this visit the chickens were my favorite to pet! They even had baby chicks that I got to pet very carefully with one finger.