Monday, September 03, 2007

Little Swimmer!

Last week I started my first swim class! Nana spied me sticking my face in my bath water and decided it was time to learn how to swim. So Papa bought me a membership and signed me up! I get to go twice a week, once in the morning with mom and then in the afternoon with dad. I am a very serious swimmer. I am learning to "dig" and "kick". I'm much better at the kicking part. At my first lesson we got there early and another class was still going on. When I saw those kids going down the slide I practically pulled mom into the water saying, "me, me!". Then when I got to go on the slide I was straight faced and didn't crack a smile. I'm in class, what can I say? I take my lessons seriously, no goofing around. I only got to go twice but I kept saying, "one more"?

I also get to sing, play fun games and chase balls around the pool. I can't wait till my next class! I'll be swimming in no time!


sal said...

that looks like so much fun!!

Wyatt said...

My mom is laughing because she thinks everyone looks quite serious...the instructor, dad, you.

Isn't swim class the best? I loved it. Rumor has it next year I move up to the big boy class where you sit on the side of the pool and wait for the instuctor. I have a feeling I will be the only kid with a mom sitting by them though.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure glad that you like the water and swimming lessons better than your dad did. They haven't made you jump off of the diving board, have they?
Love, G"Ma