Monday, September 03, 2007

New House

I'm moving! We got a new house and today is the official day we move in. I'm a little confused as to why all my toys have been disappearing into the car and today even my crib came down!

I've been such a good helper. I insist on carrying stuff for dad and I loved the big truck that was parked in front of our house!

All I wanted to do was run up and down the ramp but my parents wouldn't let me. Said it was "too dangerous" or something.

While Dada and Papa moved stuff, Nana and I played in the shower! Boy was it fun!

I think I'm gonna like my new home but I sure will miss my Nana and Papa. Luckily we live close by...much closer than Hong Kong!


Wyatt said...

Oh boy you are a big helper. Look at you carrying that box. You must have big muscles.

Anonymous said...

That really took me back seeing you in the back of the moving truck. It was like you were here since it looked exactly like the truck that sat in front of our house for awhile.
You're much braver than Pam. She didn't like the ramp at all.
Love, G"Ma