Sunday, December 03, 2006

Beware of the guy in the red suit...

That's right people, this "Santa" guy is one scary dude! So what if he brings you presents, I'm not sittin' on his lap, no sir, nuh uh, not me. My day started off fine, we were strolling around the mall looking to spend some gift certificates before they expire when Mom suddenly has this good idea of getting my picture taken with Santa Claus. We walked through a little place with Christmas trees and Angels and then out of nowhere there he is...the guy in the big red suit (and he's not even Chinese)! Mom plops me right down on his lap and I couldn't jump back in her arms fast enough. I clung to her like a koala then reached for Dad to save me from that scary guy. So away we went to take my picture with a less scary piano and a giant Christmas ball. Don't ask me why, it was included with the Santa pic.
So I thought my holiday adventures were over when my parents brought me back to that scary guy again! At least they sat with me this time but I still did not like that guy one bit. No cookies for you! Thank goodness we don't have a chimney (I heard that's how he gets in!)

1 comment:

sal said...

i like the christmas ball picture the best! santa is kinda creepy eh?