Saturday, November 25, 2006


Happy Turkey Day!

Gobble-Gobble! My first Thanksgiving was pretty fun. I wasn't compared to a turkey...although I'm sure I'm much bigger! I didn't stuff my face with pumpkin pie...although mom and dad did get me some pumpkin pie baby food (we forgot to try it though, oops!) But in the past week I went to two Thanksgiving feasts! (That makes 3 for me including the Canadian one!) First we went to our friend's house just up the road a couple villages. I got to play with a plastic bowl and spoon while everyone else ate, but I was very happy the whole time. Then this Thursday we went to the Hubbard's where my parents have gone for the past 4 years. There were over 30 people there so I got passed around quite a bit. I was also out way past my bedtime and I wasn't really happy towards the end of the evening so I made mom and dad take me home before dessert! I'm guessing they didn't go home hungry though, Mari Hubbard is the best cook in Hong Kong and I'm pretty sure they both got seconds!
I didn't get to eat any of the real food but I did get my "Grandma's Turkey Dinner" baby food and it was yummy.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

10 Months!

I'm in double digits! Mom can't believe how fast I am growing up.
My Herzog grandparents sent me this outfit just a few days ago and it's a good thing cause I was running out of basketball outfits for my pictures!

Sorry I don't have any stats (weight/height) for you this month. I don't have to go back to the clinic until I am 1. But I do have a lot of new tricks. I am walking around holding onto furniture around the house and I can stand for a couple seconds all by myself. I can even hold on to the wall and stand up that way too and yesterday I took one step and grabbed the chair before I fell.
I make all kinds of sounds like ma-ma-ma, da-da-da, ba-ba, etc.
I love to play in the hallway and in my room. Sometimes when I'm in my room mom will call out, "Where's my baby?" and I come crawling out of there real fast and stick my head out of the doorway and giggle at her. Then we wave to each other and I go back to play. I have this cupboard thing that I love to open and close. I also think it's very fun to play in my crib. I squeal and drop all of my babies (stuffed animals) out and mom picks them up for me.

I still love to eat and I get very sad when the bowl is empty. As soon as I hear mom say "all gone" I start to cry. It's also not fun to get my face wiped off after eating. I wave both of my hands really fast and yell but it doesn't seem to help.

I'm still sleeping 11-12 hours at night and I love bedtime! Mom and dad are trying to change my bedtime to 7:00pm instead of 6:00pm but I get so tired in the evenings. They always take me on walks before it's bathtime and I love to be outside so I don't mind. I take 3 naps a day, usually just an hour each. Mom can always tell when I'm getting sleepy. We read a couple books before she puts me down. My favorite books now are "Picture Me" books. One is called Cute As Can Bee and the other is In the Circus. I have my picture in these books and I am dressed up as a different animal on each page along with other babies in costumes. It's so fun to read and I can even help turn the pages!

I like to listen to music and I love to dance!

I still won't take a bottle but I'm learning to drink water from a cup. Mostly I blow bubbles but occasionally I get a gulp full down my belly!
I am a very happy little boy and my personality is really starting to shine through.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

How BIG is Jonah?

Yep, that's right. I'm a big boy! My Gramma Jani taught me this great new trick one day when I was watching her on the webcam. She was actually telling me a story about when my mom was a baby. She would ask, "How big is Susie?" and my mom would throw her hands up over her head. I thought to myself, how hard could that be and I did it! She and mom both laughed and I was real pleased with myself. Sometimes I just raise one arm and that is pretty cool too.