Monday, October 09, 2006

9 Months!

This is my special month birthday because I'm 9 months old on the 9th. Dad bought me this great Spurs outfit and I love wearing it! It is shiny and fun to touch. The shorts look more like pants on me but that's okay, I've got growing room!

My newest trick is waving. I can't totally do it on command yet but I love to wave at mom when we're playing. And none of this little open hand stuff, I get my whole arm into it! I would be great on a float in a parade!

Here I am anxiously awaiting my next bite! I am a very good eater, I love every food I try. Lately I've been snacking on shredded cheese, it's quite fun to chew with my two little bottom teeth. Oh, but no Cheerios for me yet! Mom thought I might be ready for finger foods so she let me try one. Well, everything was going okay until I started hacking a bit and she thought I was choking so she quickly dumped me upside down and oops, out came the Cheerio!

The week before last Dad left me for 3 days to go to a high school camp but when he came back we had some fun bonding time riding the train together and swimming!


sal said...

happy 9 months jonah! i can see that you'll be dunking soon :)

Anonymous said...

hey jonah!
you are getting so BIG! And you have hair! you are really getting big enough to dunk that basketball. i love the uniform but the spurs? why not the storms or sonics? well i guess thats not your choice your dad must have picked it out. You are VERY cute in it. i cannot believe you are 9 months already i always tell pepole about my little baby cousin in China but i guess i can't anymore. I'll have to call you my big baby cousin in China. well i have to go. see you soon
(and a wave)