Friday, September 08, 2006

8 Months!

I am 8 months old today! Since I've learned how to crawl and get around more I don't really like to sit still for my pictures. I've got places to go people!

I'm also getting another little toofer so I've been drooling a lot today. And with my new teeth and all, I decided to try my first Cheerio at my friend's house. I pretended to eat 2 of them but I guess I didn't really like them because I spit them out on dad a few minutes later.
We got caught in a big downpour today but luckily dad and I had an umbrella. Dad always carts me around on the weekends to give mommy's back a break. Poor mom wasn't so lucky and she got a little wet. I liked watching all the rain come down and it was fun to look up at the raindrops falling from the umbrella.

Yesterday I went on a trip to Daddy's school and got to watch Dad play soccer and Mommy play volleyball. I even got to play with some really nice girls there too. I get to go on adventures every day...usually to the grocery store, train station or dad's school. I like dad's school the best cause everyone oooohs and aaahhhhs over me. Some of the kids there said that I have a "tall nose". Mom thought that was pretty funny but comparatively I guess I do have a tall nose. The worst thing about going out is the old chinese ladies like to poke at my cheeks and say, "Be be, Be be, Hello Be be!" and they are very loud. I just stare at them. Once Dad let a little old lady in our village hold me and now they all want to hold me every time they see me. But they are nice so I don't mind.

I'm so glad our computer is working again. I missed seeing my grandparents on the webcam. This morning my Gramma Jani got to see me eat breakfast...cereal with bananas, applesauce and blueberries, yummy!


sal said...

hi jonah, i was wondering where you'd been. sounds to me like you'll be walking soon :) yay! are you free one afternoon to play? i better check with your mom...see you soon.

Wyatt said...

Joanh your hair looks like it is getting thicker? Mine is too! Isn't it fine to be mobile and great job sleeping through the night. Did you know that is my bed time too? Last night I laid in bed when mommy put me down and kept say, "hi" for about a half an hour. I finally fell asleep. Well it is good ot see you!