Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our new baby is here!

And I couldn't be happier! I want to hold him and kiss him all the time! Micah Jude was born on July 23 at 4:45am. He was a hefty little guy weighing one ounce more than I did! (9 pounds, 1 ounce, 19 3/4 inches long...although this is debatable since 3 days later he measured 21 3/4 inches...and a 14 1/2 inch head circumference!) Of course he has his own blog: Check it out!
Nurse Mollie even let me help give him his first bath!
Then she showed us how to swaddle him.
Micah liked his bath okay...
...but once he started to cry, Ezekiel bolted...
...but I stayed to comfort him and hold his hand.
And here is mom, dad, Nana and 3 boys!

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