Thursday, March 12, 2009

"I'm not better yet."

This is what I tell mom and dad every time they ask me how I'm feeling. I've got one more day left of my antibiotics but yesterday I spiked a 104 fever and a rash. Mom called the advice nurse and she said to bring me in! Turns out it's just a virus but boy does it make me feel bad. Dad picked me up some bubble gum flavored medicine to get my fever down so that made me feel a bit better. The strangest part of this whole sickness stuff is that my appetite is gone. I'll ask mom to fix me something but then I'll tell her I'm too full to eat. You know I must really be sick when I turn down food! I did manage to get down some ice cream yesterday when my fever was so high.
Other than that things are fine. I love to go to the library for story time and on Thursdays we even get to do crafts! Today I made a drum.
I have officially entered the world of "why" now. I ask this question about a kazillion times a day. It's fun for mom I'm sure!
I went through a stage a while ago where I wouldn't nap or go to bed without a fuss but I'm over that now. Getting a sticker if I'm good helps! As always I'm working on "listening and obeying" and most days I'm pretty good. I'm also becoming quite the negotiator. If mom and dad say I can't play with something because I'm not sharing or being nice then I'll say, "If I can't play with that then I'm not going to play with anything!". You might think this would work great but for some reason it's not having the effect I was hoping...guess I need to sharpen those skills!

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