Wednesday, September 03, 2008

31 months (a little late...)

Better late than never. I had to hurry and get this one posted before I turn 32 months! Quite frankly I don't think my "months" are as important as Ezekiel's. And it's not like I tell people I am 31 months old. I just tell them I'm 2!
The big news around here is that we moved! While we were in Washington we put our house up for sale and when we came back someone bought it! Now we have a new home and the best part is that it comes with a cool elevator! If it weren't for that I would want to go back to my old home but for now that is keeping me happy. Plus my bed and all my toys came with me so it still feels sort of like home. We also have a cool little park and a pool that we'll have to try out soon.
Dad is back at work so Mama, Zekey and I just play all day. He crawls after me everywhere I go and he loves to stand up. I am trying my best to be a nice big brother but every time Zeke plays with a toy I have a sudden urge to play with it myself. If mom is not looking I just grab it but if she is looking that doesn't work so well. Usually I can offer him another toy and that distracts him just long enough for me to get the one I want. It's a pretty good system. One of our favorite things to do together is go in my room, make it really dark and watch a movie (a Pooh Bear lullaby light thing...compliments of Sharon and Jake). I love to say, "Come and enjoy the movie!"
And as for my last post about potty time, I'm doing great! I'll spare you the details but let's just say I've gotten a spoon full of ice cream every single day since then!


naomi said...

it's got an elevator? wow! sounds very cool.

sal said...

i want to see your elevator jonah!!! :)my elevator is not so fun now that school has started all over hk! it gets very crowded in the mornings coming down from the 30/F. ;)plus, it's not really mine! hehe