Monday, March 17, 2008

St. Patrick's Day!

Dad got caught not wearing know what that means! He got pinched!

My great Grandma and Pop came over to visit today and brought me pizza for lunch, yum! And since my Pop was rocking Zeke I wanted him to rock me too!


Caitlin said...

Hey we've been thinking about you guys. Love watching the boys grow on the blog! We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Sure glad that you were wearing green Jonah. I can't believe that your dad that is so much more Irish than anything else wouldn't be wearing green.
Also, Aunt Lindy really wants a picture of you wearing the Tennessee hat. I wonder why?
Have a fun Easter.
Love, G'Ma

naomi said...

hi jonah! i got those "month" t-shirts as a gift but they are from old navy. there's only 3, 6, 9 months and 1 yr. my mom's not diligent enough to take the cool monthly pictures that my aunt sal loves of you and your b-ball!


Wyatt said...

You have such a beautiful heart Jonah! I miss you.