Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Happy Birthday

It's good to be 2 because when you're 2, you get 2 birthday parties! On Saturday Ma and Pop, Papa and Nana and some of my Nana's cousins, Robert and Fran, and Keith and Maria came over to wish me a happy birthday! This time for dinner we had pizza and then a red velvet cake for dessert. My mom and dad were going to let me have sugar but I told them I would rather have some fruit so I ate prunes and applesauce while everyone else had cake.

I had fun blowing out my candles again. This time mom got me trick candles so I could blow all I wanted. Even though no one was supposed to bring gifts, Ma and Pop got me a cool piggy bank with a 2 dollar bill and lots of pennies to put in. I also got some gift certificates and a fun musical card.

Here is my fancy new tricycle from Ma and Pa Herzog.
Birthday parties sure are fun!

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

1. I love the Huskies shirt. Go Dawgs!
2. I love piggy banks too. And what a great idea to get a clear one because I have no idea how much money I have right now.
3. Everytime your mom updates your blog my mom spends time looking at the background to see your mommy and daddy's house. Could you suggest that she take pictures of your house. She really likes what she sees so far. For instance, she likes the photo on the entertainment of the three of you. She loved how chubby your cheeks were in that and how sweet you looked.
4. Seriously Jonah, you have to talk to your parents about icecream.