Monday, January 14, 2008

Year 2 "Watch Me Grow"

When I was a year old my mom and dad made a list of 12 things (one for each month) that they never want to forget. And now that I'm 2, here's their list of 24:
1. I love to do the laundry. If I'm the least bit cranky all they have to do is mention laundry and I'm a happy boy. Ever since I learned to walk I've loved it.
2. I give sweet kisses and say "mmmm" when leaning in.
3. I say "night night" before bed.
4. "Me, me, me!" (just asserting my independence...)
5. Every morning I ask for "cereal" then make the clicking sound for milk. (Later in the year I started mixing at least 4 different kinds of cereal together.)
6. I love to say "one more" and that goes for more truck, one more bump, one more time down the slide, etc.
7. At Nana and Papa's house I love to tell the kitty to "eat eat kitty".
8. "Tudu" (turtle)...I LOVE them!
9. My bedtime routine consists of "books, cheese, white, mouth" (I wanted to read books while putting white cheese in my mouth).
10. Swim class consists of "kick, kick, kick, dig, dig, dig, float, float, suit".
11. I love to go outside and I tell anyone who will listen that I want to "walk fast".
12. My cronic knee injury that plagued me most of the year...even when getting out of the bath or putting my jammies on, I would remind everyone to be careful of my knee.
13. My love affair with the letter B.
14. When asking for food I would tell mom and dad that I have 2 hands so I could get 2 of whatever I wanted (one for each hand of course).
15. "Wheeeeee!" I like to say this in the car when we go around corners.
16. "Escape, escape!" After my bath I loved to escape buck naked and run through the house shouting "escape"!
17. Instead of saying yes, I prefer to say "sure".
18. When mom and dad tuck me in at night I tell them "light, walk". That means when I see the light come in through the cracks in my shades in the morning I can get up and walk.
19. I like to say that everything is "nice and warm" (my bath water, my food, etc.)
20. Santa Claus fixed my tooth!
21. "na na na na na na na na BATMAN!" (My bath bubbles)
22. I like to do everything "by yourself" now.
23. When my little brother cries I run to him and say "sorry honey".
24. "Car time" (My favorite Christmas present from Ma and Pa is my race car track so it is car time almost all day long!)


Wyatt said...

Your parents come up with the best, pictures by a basketball, favorite moments. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I love your memories and seeing you grow through the year. I'm so glad that you love your race cars. We sure had fun playing them with you.
Love, Ma and Pa