Friday, December 21, 2007

"All I want for Christmas..."

" for my tooth to get all better now".

Yesterday while I was on my stepstool innocently washing my hands, I slipped and fell knocking my bottom tooth loose. It hurt quite a bit and had mom and dad pretty worried. It was after 5:00pm so we were lucky to find a dentist who was still working. Dr. Chambers was kind enough to stay after hours to help us out. He had a great office but my first impression of him wasn't too great. He was wearing a Santa outfit and I did not want that man looking at my teeth. (I'm not sure I will get my picture taken with Santa this year...) Well, I protested the best I could but he looked anyway and even took some x-rays. Dad got to sit with me in a cool room with glow in the dark stars on the wall. I kept saying "all done now" but mom kept saying "almost" so then I changed it to "almost all done now?" After they checked out my teeth real well I got to play while the dentist talked to mom and dad. Turns out I have a luxation which in technical terms means: a traumatic injury which has knocked the tooth out of position, injuring the surrounding structures of the tooth and its root. Pretty serious huh? Well, we just wait and see now and then go back to see the dentist in 4-6 weeks. It's back to baby foods for me since I can't bite down on anything. Plus I'm fighting a bit of a cold this week so I'm not in the best shape. Hopefully I'll feel better by Christmas!
The only good thing about going to the dentist was this cool blue balloon I picked out.

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Jonah Bear I am so sorry about your toother. You were very brave though. You know I go to the dentist now every 6 months. He is very nice like your dentist. And they even rub this yummy bubble gum tasting stuff on your mouth (fluoride). You will just have to ask mommy for extra kisses and I promise your boo boo will get better. You still have a handsome smile.