Friday, October 05, 2007

Million of Peaches!

Peaches for me!
I love peaches! At the farmer's market each week we buy a whole basket full and I eat most of them. I'm limited to 2 a day but if I could eat more I would! My favorite thing to do is find the pit. As soon as I see it I give my peach to mom so she can dig it out for me. Then I devour the rest. I have a special mat that I have to sit on while eating peaches and no ordinary bib will do. Let's just say they're a little juicy!

When mom or dad asks if I want a peach I run to my mat and say, "peach pit, peach pit". And don't even think about pealing it or cutting it for me. (Once mom tried this and I protested.) I eat the whole thing just like dad!

1 comment:

sal said...

those look so juicy!!! i wish we could get good peaches here too. eat one for me jonah ;)