Tuesday, September 11, 2007

20 months!

I am 20 months old now! Since mom gets to go to the baby doctor and get weighed, I step on the scale too and I weigh 29 lbs now!
I've had to switch my monthly picture chair so many times now. This rocker is my great-grandmother's grandmother's. And that makes it pretty old I think. I call my great grandma "Ma" and my great grandpa "Pop". They came over to see my new house and visit me the other day.
I still love trucks and point them out whenever we go somewhere in the car. I like to say, "whoa, truck!" I can even tell you what color it is! I know white, black, brown, blue, yellow and sometimes red. I like to tell people what color their eyes are too. I know mine, papa's and pa's are blue and mom's, dad's, nana's, and ma's are brown. Oh yeah, I can now say my name too! I say, "Jo Nah" or sometimes "Nah Jo". Mom and dad think it's real cute so they always ask me what my name is now. Mom and dad are painting my room so stay tuned for pictures of that when they're all finished! See you soon!


Wyatt said...

:( I'm sad. You are going to be 2 years old soon and that isn't fair to your mommy. I wish I could hear you say your name. I bet it is adorable.

sal said...

can't wait to see your new room! are you helping out with any painting? leaving hand prints anywhere? we miss you over here in hk... and your mom and dad too of course.