Sunday, July 01, 2007

Uncle Robert and Aunt Connie

Today my Uncle Robert and Aunt Connie came over from Georgia to celebrate my great-grandma's birthday and to visit me! I really loved Connie! I reached for her to pick me up and I made her "go go" everywhere with me.

They brought me the coolest gifts too! One was a turtle bath thermometer (which I LOVE turtles), some cool stacking boxes and my parents were excited about a card....something about a savings bond of some sort. I had the funnest time with them here. When they first got here I was taking a nap but when I woke up I quickly became the center of attention and if I don't say so myself, I entertained quite well. My parents are trying to figure out a way for Connie to come play with me every day. They enjoyed their "break".
When everyone left, Nana took me out to smell some flowers.

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Well who could resist those cheeks?