Thursday, June 14, 2007

Down at the lake...

Where my grandparents live there is a lake with tons of geese, a playground, a beach, a fishing place and you can even take little paddle boats out on the water. Mom says I have to be a bigger boy to do that. But I love the playground and I love the birds!

Me, mom and a goose!
Me, dad and duck! That duck wanted to take a little nibble of my finger but luckily dad was there to protect me.

Papa took me down the slide and I giggled and giggled. By the look on my face though I think I liked the swing the best!


sal said...

the geese are visiting you from canada!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonah. I can't believe you have gotten so big. We haven't met, but we have a lot in common. Both your parents and my daddy graduated from the same high school (I'm not sure what high school is, but that's what daddy said), we both have blue eyes and blonde hair (even though my mommy is the only one with blue eyes and none of our parents have blonde hair), I call my grandpa "papa" too. But, I am much older, I will be 4 in October. Oh, I forgot to tell you who I am! I'm Awstace Grauer. My daddy didn't want to give me a middle name. I think your middle name is cool. I hope you like living in the states. I would love to live with my Grammy and Papa here in Illinois. I am going on vacation with them tomorrow, and mommy and daddy too. We are going to Pigeon Forge, TN, right by the Great Smokey Mountains. Daddy says that is sort of close to were you live. He wasn't sure were in NC you live, but he said it is pretty there. Did you know that my mommy has a baby in her belly? I am going to be a big brother! Are you going to be a big brother soon? My parents would like to give your mommy and daddy a number just in case you do live near were we are going on vacation. If so, maybe we can meet for the first time, (309)242-3245. I hope we can meet some day. Bye-bye.