Monday, May 07, 2007

Climbing the Couch!

Today while mom was doing the dishes I was being unusually quiet. (I'm typically right at her feet if she's in the kitchen...don't want her sneaking any food without me!) So she stuck her head out to see what I was up to and she found me sitting on the couch like a big boy! Getting up wasn't so was the getting down part that scared her. After several attempts at lunging down head first, mom taught me how to get down feet first. Here I am perfecting my skill!


Wyatt said...

OH NO! My mom did not like it when I started climbing on the furniture. At first she thought it was cute when I could jump on the couch with her by my side, but then I started to do it without her there and would jump and dive along the couch. Then, I would sit on on the edge of the couch and dive forward. There are blankets on the couch now because I can't get a good grip to get up with them on. But, I still get on the recliner and when I am in the mood I will try to freak mom and dad out by getting off head first.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you. You are so talented and I like that you keep trying and don't give up. That was a nice touch when you sat down and wiggled your feet at us after you got up.
Love you,
G'ma and G'Daddy