Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"I'm Leavin' on a Jet Plane..."

I've had one busy week. Dad was busy with school, giving finals, and grading and Mom and I were busy shopping, packing and cleaning before our big plane ride. Okay, so maybe I wasn't much fact I may have been a little stinker lately (not wanting to nap, wanting attention every second of the day, you know the usual...)

Rumor has it I will be going on a big trip soon. I'm not sure how I will like flying but how can 24 hours on a plane not be fun?! Here I am packing all my things!

I've gone out on adventures every day this week. One bad thing is that I do not like to sleep in my stroller. I prefer to be held thank you very much. So if we're out and about and I start getting sleepy I just start yelling at the top of my lungs. Mom tries to ignore me for a while but she always gives in and holds me. People still stop to tell me how fat...I mean how healthy I am. Lately I've been giving people blank stares and not smiling at them. But every time I pass a mirror or my reflection in a glass window, I stop to smile at the cute baby that mom is holding.

1 comment:

Wyatt said...

Jonah the picture of your mom and you is beautiful. You should get it blown up. By the way, you look like you have the best personality. I can't wait to meet you.