Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Move over Pele...

The other day I went to the football field at dad's school to kick around my soccer ball. I had a blast! I giggled the whole time while running around after that ball. Here are a few of my action shots:

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tooth update...

Today Mom, Zeke and I went back to the dentist to have him check on my tooth that I hurt last month and guess what? It's all better now! The dentist said I dodged a bullet this time because it looks like there is no damage at all.

When we first got there I played with some fun toys while waiting for my turn. There was a little girl there too and her mom was trying to get her to clean up her toys but she wasn't listening so I went over and picked up all her toys for her and put them away. Her mom was quite impressed. Just helping out (plus she was pretty cute). When it was her turn to see the dentist she started crying which made me a bit worried but when it was my turn mom said I was so brave! I didn't cry at all. The dentist counted my teeth and I have 16 of them! Then I was all done and I got to go get my balloon. I picked out a yellow one this time! And the best news of all...mom remembered to bring her camera! Here are the pics!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Year 2 "Watch Me Grow"

When I was a year old my mom and dad made a list of 12 things (one for each month) that they never want to forget. And now that I'm 2, here's their list of 24:
1. I love to do the laundry. If I'm the least bit cranky all they have to do is mention laundry and I'm a happy boy. Ever since I learned to walk I've loved it.
2. I give sweet kisses and say "mmmm" when leaning in.
3. I say "night night" before bed.
4. "Me, me, me!" (just asserting my independence...)
5. Every morning I ask for "cereal" then make the clicking sound for milk. (Later in the year I started mixing at least 4 different kinds of cereal together.)
6. I love to say "one more" and that goes for anything...one more truck, one more bump, one more time down the slide, etc.
7. At Nana and Papa's house I love to tell the kitty to "eat eat kitty".
8. "Tudu" (turtle)...I LOVE them!
9. My bedtime routine consists of "books, cheese, white, mouth" (I wanted to read books while putting white cheese in my mouth).
10. Swim class consists of "kick, kick, kick, dig, dig, dig, float, float, suit".
11. I love to go outside and I tell anyone who will listen that I want to "walk fast".
12. My cronic knee injury that plagued me most of the year...even when getting out of the bath or putting my jammies on, I would remind everyone to be careful of my knee.
13. My love affair with the letter B.
14. When asking for food I would tell mom and dad that I have 2 hands so I could get 2 of whatever I wanted (one for each hand of course).
15. "Wheeeeee!" I like to say this in the car when we go around corners.
16. "Escape, escape!" After my bath I loved to escape buck naked and run through the house shouting "escape"!
17. Instead of saying yes, I prefer to say "sure".
18. When mom and dad tuck me in at night I tell them "light, walk". That means when I see the light come in through the cracks in my shades in the morning I can get up and walk.
19. I like to say that everything is "nice and warm" (my bath water, my food, etc.)
20. Santa Claus fixed my tooth!
21. "na na na na na na na na BATMAN!" (My bath bubbles)
22. I like to do everything "by yourself" now.
23. When my little brother cries I run to him and say "sorry honey".
24. "Car time" (My favorite Christmas present from Ma and Pa is my race car track so it is car time almost all day long!)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Happy Birthday

It's good to be 2 because when you're 2, you get 2 birthday parties! On Saturday Ma and Pop, Papa and Nana and some of my Nana's cousins, Robert and Fran, and Keith and Maria came over to wish me a happy birthday! This time for dinner we had pizza and then a red velvet cake for dessert. My mom and dad were going to let me have sugar but I told them I would rather have some fruit so I ate prunes and applesauce while everyone else had cake.

I had fun blowing out my candles again. This time mom got me trick candles so I could blow all I wanted. Even though no one was supposed to bring gifts, Ma and Pop got me a cool piggy bank with a 2 dollar bill and lots of pennies to put in. I also got some gift certificates and a fun musical card.

Here is my fancy new tricycle from Ma and Pa Herzog.
Birthday parties sure are fun!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Birthday You!

I mean ME! I turned the big 2 today and boy was I excited! I woke up saying "Happy Birthday You" because my parents keep singing "...happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..." I also have a book called Happy Birthday Baby and I've been reading that lots lately. In fact I told mom this morning that we needed to go to the store to get streamers, balloons and party hats because that's what they had in the book.
We had a small party today with just Mom, Dad, Zeke, Nana and Papa. (On Saturday more family will be coming over.) We had my favorite Chinese Food for dinner, then we had birthday cake (sugar free of course) and then we opened presents. I would have been happy having everyone sing for me and blowing out the candle all night. (The video is probably the 10th time we did it. Even after we ate the cake I wanted to blow out the candle some more.) I kept asking dad to light the candle again and again and again!
Here are some picture highlights. I got some really great presents including lots of balloons (I've been into those lately ever since "Santa Claus" gave me one at the dentist's office), a school bus with letters and numbers, books, a blanket, a couple of cars, and probably the best (although I'm not sure because Dad needs to put it together still): a real tricycle equipped with a Mountain Dew helmet thanks to my Ma and Pa! Those pictures will have to come later because before we could play, it was bedtime. I sure can get used to this birthday thing!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Nana

Of course everyone thinks their Nana is the best but I know for sure that my Nana is the world's greatest Nana! Just look at all the fun we have! She even takes days off from work just to spend them with me. (She thinks I'm pretty special.) When I see her car pull up in our driveway I run to the door and say "Nana's home!" I especially love the weekends cause she comes and plays with me on Saturday mornings or I go to the Farmer's Market and the grocery store with her. Then on Sundays we pick her up and we go to church. I love to sit on her lap and clap and sing.
I rarely ever let her hold Zeke either...I want her all to myself! I think she holds him when I'm taking a nap though...I'll have to talk to her about that!
I love you Nana!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pool Time!

I'm still taking swim classes once a week with dad and I love it! And because I love to go under the water now I got to skip a class and move up to the Pre-School II class. We get to do lots of fun things with hoola hoops and kick boards. The slide is still my favorite and I can even go down on my tummy straight into the water! It's loads of fun, and I always ask if I can go down one more time.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My first snow!

With 2 pairs of socks, 2 pants, a t-shirt, a long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt, snowpants, snow boots, a winter coat, a hat and gloves, mom thought I was ready to brave the winter storm that blew in last night...

After 20+ minutes of getting me dressed, I spent all of 30 seconds outside before I told mom and dad I wanted to be warm again. I suppose my body was warm but mom forgot the ski mask because my face felt like it was frozen solid! And there must have been icicles hanging from my eye lashes because I could hardly open my eyes. We decided it was best to go back inside but Dad was kind enough to go back out and get me some snow to play with inside. We had lots of fun and here is my first snowman!