Well I started my fascination with ducks a couple weeks ago when my mom and I were shopping at Ross. I saw a nice porcelin duck soap dish and I had to have it. I carried that thing around with me the whole time and handed it to the cashier fully expecting to see it again. Unfortunately that was not the case. I stood on my tippy toes and pleaded, "me duck please" but it didn't work. Luckily mom got me a duck a couple days later when I wouldn't stop talking about it. And ever since then, that duck goes everywhere with me. He reads books with me on the couch, sits with me in the car, takes a bath with me, you name it! I leave him on the couch when I go to bed though, he's not very soft. So there you have it. I am a duck for Halloween!
I went over to my Nana and Papa's house for dinner and to show them my costume. I didn't go trick-or-treating but I waited at the door to see who came to our house.
My baby brother Zeke was a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween and after I saw that I wanted my belly painted too! Mom said maybe next year. Yesterday mom and I made cookies for dad's school. I was such a good helper and quite entertained for a long time.
Before Halloween mom tried to get me to put on my costume but I only liked the hat and feet. Today was the first day I actually put on the whole costume and that's only because I was bribed with cheese.
Well, I hope those crazy kids don't keep me up ringing my door bell tonight. I'm off to bed!