Thursday, May 12, 2011

Easter Day

Happy Easter everyone! Our computer had some technical difficulties before I had a chance to post these so I'm doing some catching up! Here we are playing with all the egss we found!
Easter morning was a little rushed with checking out our baskets and getting ready for church!
And of course posing for some pictures...
After church we went to the Biltmore House egg hunt but we forgot our baskets so we had to improvise and use what we had in the car! Luckily we found a couple bags that worked. The egg hunt left a bit to be desired but we got to see a magic show before that was kind of cool.
In a total of 5 minutes we gathered eggs, turned them in and got our goodie bags. As mom and dad would say, "weak sauce".
But the fun didn't stop there! Mom's birthday was on Easter this year so we got to have a party for her too!
There are 2 videos that I wanted to include but they are not uploading so I'll just tell you about them. The first is a video of Ezekiel and I finding eggs outside our bedroom door that led all the way down to the front door where we found our Easter baskets and even one for Micah! The second video is me singing "Up From the Grave He Arose" and it's pretty good if I do say so myself. Maybe I can get it to work later.
I almost forgot the egg dyeing part! Always a favorite activity!

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