Sunday, February 13, 2011

Nana and Friends!

On Friday it was my Nana's birthday and we suprised her by bringing her a bouquet of tulips before school started. Then she came over to play with us and have dinner.
We also had some friends of mom and dad from Hong Kong over. I was so excited to play with Naomi, Janaya and Micah!
We took them to the Biltmore House in the morning and boy was it cold!

After lunch we came back to our house and played played played! Ezekiel and I even got to skip our naps!
We had so much fun! Naomi came up with the best games! It was sad to see them go but they just live 3 hours away so we'll get to see them again!


Emily Thompson said...

yeah Ablines!!

Mother of Many said...

I love your mama! Love your pictures of your life. Thank you for connecting with my blog... I love the blog land, it is a very encouraging place.