Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Groundhog Day!

Today we celebrated groundhog day and we even got to wear our pajamas to school! I've been looking forward to this day for 2 weeks now and every day I've been asking mom how many more days, and telling her I can't wait that long!
We got to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, flashlight and a sleeping buddy (I brought my beloved ladybug pillow and blue baby!).

For recess instead of going out in our slippers we had games in the hallway.
Ezekiel even got to play with us!
We had crafts.
We played with shadows.
And read books! What a fun day!

1 comment:

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

Bless those teachers, they will have more patience in a week with kids than I will in a lifetime :) And yeah for ladybug!!!