Friday, January 14, 2011

5 years old!

For my 5th birthday I ordered up ribs for dinner! Dad was more than happy to head out into the snow to BBQ for me!
Enjoying my scrumptious dinner with Nana!
Time for presents! This was the year of puzzles for me.

I love the battery operated Thomas toothbrush...not so sure about the girly toothpaste! In mom's defense it was "bubble gum" flavored and that is my favorite, just not digging the princess' on the tube!
My favorite books ever! Magic School Bus!
Another "Jonah" book to add to my collection.
Favorite present this year: my ladybug pillow pet!
Thanks Uncle Scotty Bumps and Auntie Sarah!
And thanks Rebecca for my yummy red velvet cake!
Doesn't baby Micah look cute in his party hat?

1 comment:

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

Yeah for being favorite Auntie!!! I always strive when I have distance as a huge disadvantage. Year 5 = Succeed!!